blue box




Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged

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moon over miami

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Public Art

Open Green Space

Open Green Space

As part of the proposed project, the 1500 Main St development will create 20 acres of new green space, including 50 benches, 2 soccer fields, 4 basketball courts and a playground.

Open Green Space

As part of the proposed project, the 1500 Main St development will create 20 acres of new green space, including 50 benches, 2 soccer fields, 4 basketball courts and a playground.


Our team is working with the Springfield municipality to explore opportunities to extend and enhance existing public transportation connections to and from the site.



Our team is working with the Springfield municipality to explore opportunities to extend and enhance existing public transportation connections to and from the site.

Affordable Housing

This development will add 56 units of affordable housing in the downtown neighborhood for individuals and families with low and moderate incomes.


Affordable Housing

It's affordable!

Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing

This development will add 56 units of affordable housing in the downtown neighborhood for individuals and families with low and moderate incomes.

Climate Resiliency

Many waterfront parks designed for climate resilience have emerged over the past few decades along the world’s coastlines. Lessons learned from these pioneering open spaces will help to guide designs.




New Benefit

Test test test test test

Community Space

Input gathered during community meetings and webinars so far include ideas for live performances, spaces to celebrate events and life milestones, and welcoming areas for all to enjoy.



Event Programming

Following a public survey collecting ideas for the park design which gathered over 1,000 responses, a second survey is now collecting ideas about future events and programming at the park.


Community Investment